$3,500.00 USD

A Complete Emotional Breakthrough

Get Ready To Release Your "Trapped Emotions" And Increase Your "Emotional Immunity"

Finally the moment has arrived…

… when you throw out the root causes of your major life issues, develop the courage to pick yourself up…

… and make great things happen to you… on your own!

This is where it all starts…

I've structured this course with a laser focus because I want you to experience your new life as quickly as possible.

So, with the dedication of your time, energy, and effort you can get the results in as little as 12 weeks.

This Is What’s Waiting For You On The Other Side:

  1. FREEDOM from all kinds of past traumas, emotional wounds and negative patterns

  2. An EMPOWERED and confident life that uplifts your spirit

  3. PEACE of mind, clarity of thought and joyful heart

  4. A STRONG sense of direction in life with full potential for success and fulfillment

  5. MEANINGFUL relationships and emotional connection with others on a level you never thought possible

  6. SOUL satisfying transformation that positively impacts every aspect of your life creating the future you've always dreamed of

Let’s rewrite your life story!

See what my satisfied clients are saying about this course. You could be next…


What People Are Saying:

I've learned and grown so much! I am so extremely grateful and fortunate to have her in my life.

Gina Vega

I am beyond thankful for all of the coaching that Kimmy has poured into me, I wouldn't be where I am today without her.

Lizzy Costello

My income has grown so much! Kimmy has taught me the best ways to be the best version of myself.

Sarah Perhaps

Kimmy loves to empower others to reach their maximum potential. I’m grateful to feel like I’m on my way to becoming the best version of myself.

Tiffany Johnson